Luxcontrol: new office building in Belval taking shape (LUX)

Things are moving forward on Boulevard des Lumières. The upper floors and the structure of the façade are completed and clearly visible now. In the past couple of weeks, the window frames have been placed and the glazing has recently started being mounted.


On the inside, the two circulation cores with their staircases and elevator shafts are built and are awaiting their cover. The roof slab of the building is being poured this week which will finalise the main structural works of the building. In parallel, the waterproofing works are well underway and the future terrasses on the second and fourth floors are now accessible.


A crucial tool for this construction site is the prefabricated mock-up of a section of the façade. The 1:1 scale model is used not only by us architects, but also by the various manufacturers and suppliers of the façade elements to visualise, validate and check the façade design. In the very near future, the windows and curtain wall elements of the mock-up will be complimented by the addition of the prospective cladding which will allow for the first glimpse of the future outcome of the façade.


Photos: Henri Colette/1111 Photography

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