Citizen Survey Pacte Logement, Hesperange (LUX)

Create affordable housing (“Logement Abordable”) is one of the central current challenges in Luxembourg and the main objectives of the “Pacte Logement” concluded between the State of Luxembourg and the municipalities. The municipality of Hesperange lends high priority to the creation of “Logement Abordable” and is participating in the second funding period of the Pacte Logement.


For professional counselling and guidance for the development of “Logement Abordable” the commune has commissioned WW+ as “Conseiller Logement”. In the first phase, the municipality and the "Conseiller Logement" develop the "Programme d'action local logement" (PAL) in a collaborative process, which defines strategic fields of action for future housing development in the municipality.


In order to actively involve the citizens of Hesperange in the process of creating the PAL, an information event was organised on the 14th of November at the Centre Nicolas Braun.


At this information event the questionnaire “ONST HESPER VU MUER” was presented: Through the survey, that has been elaborated in French and German, the citizens will have the opportunity to express their opinions, comments and ideas on the topics of residential quality and “Logement Abordable” in Hesperange. The survey is available to citizens online, and the printed version of the questionnaire was distributed throughout the municipality.


The results of this questionnaire will help to understand the citizens’ needs and will be included in the drafting of the PAL of the commune, which be presented to the residents of Hesperange next year.

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