Ateliers Kraïzbierg Dudelange (LUX)

Category :

Education + Research + Learning

Project :

Ateliers Kraïzbierg, Dudelange (LUX)

Client :

Administration des Bâtiments Publics

Country :


Area :

14.759 m²

Start of planning :


Realisation :

2022 - 2028

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project Reconstruction, extension and renovation of the workshops for people with impairments of the Fond Kräizbierg client Administration des Bâtiments Publics (LUX), public services WW+, Esch-sur-Alzette (LUX) / Trier (GER) Architektur OAI all service phases similar to  HOAI LPH 1-9 in cooperation with statics & measurements BEST Ingénieurs, Luxembourg (LUX) technical engineering Goblet Lavandier, Luxembourg (LUX) gfa 14.759 m2 gv 56.236 m3 gross construction costs ca. 35.000.000 € start of planning 2011 realisation Beginning 2022 - End 2028





The site of the Ateliers Kräizbierg was the family residence of the director of ARBED, Mr. Emile Mayrisch, at the beginning of the last century. The estate was located in an undeveloped area and covered an area of about 5 hectares. The family home and associated outbuildings were located there. The plans for this residence were drawn up by the well-known Flemish architect Octave Van Rysselberghe. In the spring of 1912, a children's home was opened on the estate to accommodate physically weak children and provide them with a place of recreation

The children's home was closed on the 31st of December 1977.  

The Kräizbierg site was acquired on the 21st of December 1978 by the "Ligue pour l'aide aux infirmes moteurs cérébraux" (Association for the Disabled with Cerebral Palsy) and rebuilt with the help of the state and expanded in 1979 to include the vocational integration centre "Ateliers Kräizbierg S.C." of the Fondation Kräizbierg.



Central idea

The initial idea of the planning is to create a new unit with a spacious extension that can accommodate all functions and offer more people with disabilities a place for work and therapy. The room programme developed by the user is summarised in a design concept and implemented in a multi-phase planning process. Existing buildings are being restructured in a contemporary manner and in a way that is accessible to the disabled. They will be carefully restored together with the historic park. New buildings fit into the situation as a link and implement the existing site topography.  


The new buildings are characterised by a reduction to a few materials and are planned with disabled-friendly interior design. The raw walls and ceilings with visible technical installations deliberately contribute to the workshop character. The harder materials of glass and concrete dominate. In the common areas and the training rooms, i.e. the areas that are also frequented outside of work activities, wood is added as a soft element. This ensures a friendly and warm atmosphere that invites people to linger and relax during work breaks. The training rooms are equipped with an acoustically efficient suspended ceilings to avoid any impairments and to create a pleasant learning environment. The individual departments are characterised by a consistent colour concept as part of a holistic orientation system. In line with the comprehensive energy concept of Ateliers Kräizbierg, robust, durable and sustainable materials are deliberately selected that are easy to maintain and remain attractive over a long period of time. The workshops for the disabled are divided into the general area with visitor shop, administration, logistics centre, medical service, therapy centre, training centre for people with disabilities, kitchen with canteen and the day care centre, as well as the handicrafts and service area, which includes arts and crafts, printing, gardening, pottery and a carpentry workshop. Up to 300 people with and without handicaps work on the premises. Approximately 40 people are cared for in the day care centre.


Initial situation

The workshops for the disabled "Ateliers Kräizbierg S.C." of the Fondation Kräizbierg are located at the entrance of Dudelange; in the east of the municipality, along the Route de Zoufftgen (CR 160) towards France. The site is partly located in an adjacent wooded area and in a zone designated as "Special Activity Kräizbierg" (S.P.).

The former residence of Emile Mayrisch (the training centre), the Paerdstall/stables (the day care centre), the administration, the workshops, the greenhouses and the former printing works already exist on this site.




The interior areas of the new building composition are characterised by a reduction to a small number of materials for interior furnishings and are planned in accordance to the needs of the disabled. The floors in the corridors and studios are made of smoothed screed, which is very hard-wearing and requires little cleaning. The raw walls and ceilings as well as exposed technical equipment reinforce the impression of a large studio that only comes to life through its users. In the workshops, the rooms for concentrated work, the harder materials of glass and concrete dominate. In the common areas and training rooms, i.e. the areas that are also frequented outside of work activities, wood is added as a soft element, creating a friendly and warm atmosphere that invites people to linger and relax during work breaks. The training rooms are equipped with an acoustically effective suspended ceiling to avoid any adverse effects and to create a pleasant learning environment. The individual departments are characterised by a consistent colour concept in the sense of a holistic orientation system. In line with Ateliers Kraizbierg's comprehensive energy concept, robust, durable and sustainable materials were deliberately chosen that are easy to maintain and remain attractive over a long period of time.

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